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Light and Shadow

About me

Light and Shadow

Oh, Hey There!

My name's Heath, and I'm a recent summa cum laude graduate from Elon University with a major in Media Analytics and blah blah blah. Whew, so glad to have the introductions out of the way. I've never really liked that part of meeting people. You learn so precious little from it, and I've never understood a person in the slightest from any of those first awkward hellos. Suppose you're just meeting me. You'd never know that I'd much rather eat chili out of a coffee mug than a bowl, that I'm an aficionado at building paper airplanes, or that I tuck my sweatpants into my socks because my older brother did it in high school and I thought it looked cool.


Anyways, maybe this website about me and some of the things I've done will help you better understand who I am. I'm stoked to move into a professional role where I can create and inform, using back-end analytics skills to present actionable insights to stakeholders (and build some cool graphics along the way). Can't wait to meet the you that's really you, even if you think you're weird.

Much love,

- H. Heath Foster

Light and Shadow
Light and Shadow

Hit Me Up

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