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Photography is a method to unveil the world through my eyes. My cameras have been faithful companions who have been by my side through countless adventures and milestones. We've weathered storms, interacted with cultures from across the world, and captured both monotony and the unique. Ultimately, the importance is in finding an intentional story to tell, no matter how small, in every frame. All shots from my Canon SL2, Pentax K1000 (35mm), Nikon F (35mm), or Mamiya RB67 (120mm)

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Sometimes, I go out with my camera and walk around for a little bit until my feet and knees hurt, and then I walk back. It's nice to get the fresh air. It's nice to have some time alone.

Once in awhile my friends dress up really nice and ask me to take pictures of them, but, on the rare occasion, and when I feel like a real photographer, I plan these shoots with a bit more than spontaneous thought.

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Check out these shots of people doing crazy things. Evidently, I need cooler friends so I can get more of these. Cheers to field sports, sports in the field.

These are all pictures that make me laugh or cry because I was with funny people at a funny time in a funny place or with those same funny people at a sad time at a sad place. Sometimes, it's just nice to feel things again.

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